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Erosion Control Blankets Installation: A Step-By-Step Guide

Updated: Oct 8, 2024

Erosion Control Blankets Installation: A Step-By-Step Guide Heading image

Now that you’ve selected the best blanket for your project’s success, it’s time to plan for installation. When properly installed, Erosion Control Blankets will last longer in the field and provide reliable performance that can satisfy common erosion control compliance requirements. Follow the below steps so you are not installing like Timmy above.

Step 1: Prepare the installation area by removing any debris. Rake the soil to provide a smooth surface. If the project will incorporate vegetation growth, seed and fertilize the soil.

Step 2: Starting at the bottom of the slope, dig a 6” trench across the entire width of the installation area.

Step 3: Unroll the blanket working toward the upslope, but leave an extra 6” at the base of the slope for anchoring in the trench. Staple the blanket to the base of the trench every 12”. Backfill with soil, tamp down, and seed the trenched area.

Unroll the Erosion Control Blanket working toward the upslope

Step 4: Roll the remainder of the Erosion Control Blanket out to cover the installation area. If using multiple rolls, allow a 12” overlap, layering the overlapping blanket edges so that water flow is not obstructed. Secure the overlapped seams with stakes at 5” intervals.

Step 5: Leave 12”-24” of extra blanket along the top border of the installation area for anchoring. Dig a trench across the top of the installation area. Lay the blanket across the trench, with the excess extending out of the top of the trench. Secure the blanket to the bottom the trench with stakes placed 12” apart. Backfill the dirt over the trench and compact it. Seed and fertilize the trench. Fold the excess blanket back over the trench and secure the blanket with staples at 12” intervals across the width of the trench.

Erosion Control blanket installation

Step 6: Secure the remainder of the blanket at staggered intervals, following the pattern guideline below for your site’s flow rate and conditions.



Step 7: For best performance in higher flow locations and to prevent undercutting, include checkslots at 25’ to 40’ intervals. Dig a small trench and anchor the blanket in the trench. While not as effective, you can instead create a checkslot by placing two rows of stakes 4” apart across the entire width of the installment area. The staples on the 2nd row should be staggered from those in the first row.

Step 8: To prevent water from flowing under and eroding the soil beneath the sides of the blanket, also se-cure the side perimeter of the installation area in 6” x 6” trenches, staked at 12” intervals.

trenches for Erosion Control Blanket installation


This is a general guideline based on best practices for installing blankets. Individual project site conditions and specifications can be unique and may require modifications to this installation plan.

Stake Options: Several different styles of staples and stakes are available for attaching the blanket securely in place. Choose between metal staples and stakes of different sizes and gauges, or from a selection of hardwood and other biodegradable options. Contact us for assistance.

Helpful Tips for Installing Erosion Control Blankets

  • Drive staples into the ground until the staple is flush with the ground surface.

  • Use plenty of staples to keep blankets flat and firmly grounded.

  • Do not stretch blankets.

  • Do not exceed manufacturer’s directions on maximum slope angle for the product.

  • Overlap by at least 12 inches wherever the Erosion Control Blanket ends and another begins.

  • Uphill layers should overlap bottom layers. Stake below the flow level every 12”.

  • Walk-down the blankets to help secure the blanket to the soil. Poor contact results in erosion beneath the surface and also causes lower seed germination rates.

  • The blankets should be securely trenched at all ends.

  • If the blanket will only cover a portion of a slope (and not the whole slope), the highest edge of the blanket should be placed at least one foot above the average high water level.

  • Inspect the straw blanket weekly and after storm events until vegetation is established. Watch for erosion at the edges or beneath the blankets.

  • Repair areas damaged by erosion by pulling back the blanket from the affected spot. Add soil, tamp it down, and reseed. Reapply the Erosion Control Blanket, following installation guidelines.

  • For any sections of blanket not in close contact with the soil, apply additional stakes.

  • Consider if additional BMPs are needed to prevent any recurring problems.

  • For ditches with steep grades, consider installing check dams on top of blankets to reduce the impact of high-speed flows.


BMP Supplies is a trusted Manufacture of Erosion Control Blankets, view products here

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